About Us
Since 1975 Continues Expansion & Development
Lucky Automation & Engineering Ltd and Lucky Enterprise are sister-concern of Lucky Group, started journey since 1975 and leading the engineering & technology sector in Bangladesh. LAEL is a specialized organization In global fire & building safety industry. A highly diversified Fire Safety, Security, Electrical, Mechanical, Automation, Civil, Drawing-Design Consultancy & others technology-based products and services provider.
We represent the most advanced state of the art Fire Safety-Security, Electrical Safety, Structural Safety Solution & including technology-based products for Manufacturing industries & domestice use. We provide our services as per B.N.B.C, NFPA, British Standard and EN Standard.
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To reach the tip of system integrated automation engineering.
To place ourselves in the leading role of industrial engineering through the high-quality process of innovation.
Unbeaten design integrity without any compromising with the legitimate & safety standards.
Service through professional excellence with quality and commitment.